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From the very beginning, Revive Church has been about loving every single person who walks through our doors, supporting them and building a community around them. 

In 2024, we enter a new season but our mission remains the same centred around Matthew 28

 Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit

Our values are shaped around breaking Matthew 28 down into 3 Key components. 3 clear instructions from Jesus to the Disciples on what he has called us to do.

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Reaching the lost is not the church's strategy or responsibility, it's our personal conviction.  

It's become easy to think that Church is the place we attend. We believe it was always meant to be the place where we gather and build.

We believe we have been called to be the hands and feet of Jesus, that our actions should speak louder than our words.

We wholeheartedly believe in reaching out to our community around us, through humility, grace, and compassion - reaching out to the unsaved, the vulnerable, the broken hearted and making an impact in their lives.

We are 100% committed to sharing the message of Jesus, His love, hope, and redemption.

Because people are the most important thing to Jesus.
And if people are the most important thing to Jesus, people ought to be important to us.


To restore something is to bring it back into its original creation. 

When Jesus died on the cross he paid the penalty for sin their and then you were made clean. Every Christian knows though that when you said yes to Jesus, it didn't mean that suddenly all your habits, sinful thoughts, struggles, and areas in your life that you keep hidden from everyone else disappears.

Jesus loves you too much to die on the cross for you to stay in bondage to your past and to your current struggles. 

That is why Discipleship is not a New Christians Course or program you graduate from but its a lifelong commitment. 

Discipleship is a lifelong commitment to continue to grow and walk in the freedom that Jesus provided us. It's a commitment to be authentic and vulnerable. It's a commitment to being honest and being OK that you're not perfect.

Seoul doesn't need a perfect church but it does need more authentic christians who are OK to be perfectly imperfect. 

Discipleship is a conviction formed from a love for people.

If we all are committed to discipleship we create an environment of growth and honesty. 

Revive Church is a church where it is OK to fail and to make mistakes. We will show grace but because we love you and are committed to you. We will encourage and help disciple you to become more like Christ to walk in the fullness of who he has called you to be.

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We believe in equipping, empowering and releasing people into their calling and purpose, no matter what sphere you’re in whether it is in the four walls of the Church or the marketplace.

Our heart is that we would release every single person who calls Revive home to fulfil their God given destiny. We can all use our giftings to build the local church. but our prayer would be that you would use your giftings to reach your workplace, your family and the nations.

Not only are we committed to help people find their purpose but we will be a church that is committed to seeing the Holy Spirit move in our lives. 

If we all have a commitment to reach the lost, to disciple and be discipled, to pursue the dreams and giftings that God has given us, that is a sign of a healthy Church. 


Together we are going to see The Holy Spirit move through each and every one of us into our workplaces, into our families, into our Universities. 

 We are not content to watch our young people waste their lives being bound in anxiety and fear but that we would see the Holy Spirit revive the young people of Seoul one person at a time. 

It's not a program or a preaching series, it's a conviction that we are committed to reaching people

Every person has a name, every name a story, and every story is important to God. 

Our absolute conviction is that as a church we will:

Reach the Lost 

Restore and Disciple 

Release and Equip 

And when we do those three things well, we will see the people of this city revived.

We will see people's lives changed for eternity. 

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